About Christ the Word church
Independent church
Christ the Word is an independent evangelical church. We started a Sunday morning service at 10:30am in Lakeview village hall in 2018.
We seek to explain God’s Word, the Bible, in a careful, warm, and relevant way, and give the Bible’s answers to contemporary questions of life.
The word ‘Evangelical’ comes from the word ‘evangel’ meaning ‘good news’ – and that’s exactly what the Christian message is all about. The Bible’s teaches that we can be forgiven by God for all our wrong and receive eternal life, through faith alone in the redeeming work of the Lord Jesus Christ on the cross, rising bodily from the dead on the third day. Forgiveness is a gift from God, not something we can earn ourselves by being a good person or being religious. This message is at the very centre of our worship as God’s Word, the Bible clearly teaches. (See Luke 24:46-47; 1 Corinthians 15:1-5).
Between twenty to thirty people of all ages come along to worship and to seek God, to learn from God’s Word and to chat afterwards. You will receive a warm welcome. We have regular meals together, either after the Sunday service or Sunday tea time.
Our service on Remembrance Sunday is focused on remembering those who gave their lives. At Christmas we have a Sunday Carol Service (at 10:30am on the Sunday before Christmas) in the main hall, Lakeview village hall. We invite everyone, and about 80 people came to sing popular Christmas carols. At Christmas 2019 we also led a carol service at Wixams Retirement Village.
We seek to serve our local community by running Wixams Sunday Club (based on a traditional Sunday School, 3-4pm on a Sunday) and Ignite club Tuesday 6.30-7.45pm for young people in year 6+. Since 2014 we have run a holiday club every year at Easter in Lakeview village hall.
Knowing Christ
For those who are really serious about knowing God we have regular Bible studies for women on a Monday afternoon and a regular Bible study in a home on a Thursday evening (7.45 for 8-9pm), to discover from God’s Word how to be a follower of Jesus Christ.
As we cannot enjoy knowing Jesus Christ, or even follow Jesus Christ, without feeding on God’s Word (the Bible), we encourage those who are seeking Christ to hear, read, study and think about and share what God’s Word says. We distribute Bible notes (Called Pilgrim Bible Notes) freely to anyone who wants help to do this.
If you are new to Wixams or have been here for some time you will be given a warm welcome at our meetings.